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5 Acknowledgements


I certify that I have never been convicted of a felony, nor have I ever been required by the court to register as a sex offender.

I certify that I will study the rules, observe the work of other officials, and will at all times attempt to improve myself.

I certify that I will endeavor to keep my body in sound physical condition.

I agree that while my work as an official is important, I must conduct myself in such a way that attention is drawn, not to me, but to the student-athletes playing the game. I will keep in mind that the game is more important than the wishes of any individual player or the ambitions of any individual official.

I certify that I will dress and maintain my appearance in a manner befitting the dignity and importance of my profession.

I agree that I will refrain from making any public comments regarding my officiating of a contest. This would include, but not be limited to, posting to social networking sites, OR responding to posts on social networking sites.

I agree that I will officiate according to the applicable NFHS rules book, as well as any additional MAIS adoptions.

When communicating with coaches, I agree that I will not criticize or attempt to explain a fellow officials’ judgment or decision.

I agree that I will not accept a game where there is a potential conflict of interest. This would include, but not be limited to, accepting a game involving a school where I work, or where a family member works or attends school. Family members would include a spouse, a sibling, a child, a grandchild, a parent, a grandparent, a neice, or a nephew. Other conflicts of interest could also arise due to business relationships with a school, lawsuits involving a school, etc. I understand that my assigning secretary may not always be aware of such a conflict, and that it is my responsibility to let him/her know if an assignment has been made that needs to be changed. Furthermore, if there is any doubt about whether a situation constitutes a conflict of interest, I will contact my assigning secretary.

I understand that it is unprofessional to make a request to officiate a specific game or games for any coach or school, and I will not engage in this practice.

I will not approach or communicate with coaches & athletic directors, personally, by mail, by e-mail, by text message, or by any other avenue, relative to game assignments and/or ratings.

I will not officiate a game after having consumed any alcoholic beverage on the same day as the game. In addition, I agree that I will not consume any alcohol at the game site after I have finished officiating a game.

I will cooperate with my fellow officials and will do nothing to cause them public embarrassment.

I will be fair and unbiased in my decisions, rendering them without regard to the teams playing or the score of the game.

I understand the importance of showing reverence and respect for our country's flag and our national anthem as a game official. When working any MAIS athletic contest, I commit to always facing our flag and standing at attention during the playing of the national anthem.

In order to comply with federal and state law, I acknowledge that I will, on an annual basis, take the NFHS 'Concussion in Sports' online course, and give a copy of my certificate of successful completion to each assigning secretary for which I work. I will take this course after June 1st of each year, and before I officiate a game, jamboree or scrimmage. In addition, I acknowledge that I will also comply with any future requirements mandated by federal and/or state law. Should the federal government or state government pass a law that I am unwilling or unable to comply with, I will notify my assigning secretary in a timely manner and make him/her aware that I will no longer be able to serve as an official in the MAIS.

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Product Subtotal
Insurance Fee  × 1 $20.00
Subtotal $20.00
Total $20.00
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